The UK Joint Cairn Terrier Clubs were
proud to host the Cairn Terrier World Symposium at the Royal Court
Hotel, Coventry at the end of August 2013 when in excess of 150
delegates from world wide attended, I think we can be excused from
saying that the two most senior people among them, Margaret Hill and
Rosemary Boyd came the farthest distance – Australia and
enjoyed the whole weekend enormously. Other countries represented
included Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, the USA, Russia,
Norway, Denmark and Austria.
Sadly several people were unable to
attend for health reasons, among them Jean Hudson, Robert Bartram,
Satu Stenroos and Andrew Brace, we wish them well and hope they are
soon feeling better.
We would like to thank our very
generous main sponsors, Jean Hudson, Ferelith Somerfield, Victor
Malzoni, Audrey Dawe, Jim Cameron, the Towers Family and all the UK
Cairn Terrier Clubs, without this support we would not have been able
to arrange such an event. To the many others who helped in so many
ways we are very grateful also.
Fund raising had been undertaken by
the Steering Group and thanks must go to all those who donated items
for the Auction and Grand Draw, in particular Barbara Hands who so
kindly donated an original painting of Cairn Terriers which was won
by Christine Marshall.
We started on Thursday with a Welcome
Evening and were treated to a fine display of national and
international Cairn Club information put together by Sybil Berrecloth
together with a video of Cairn Terrier history. The Symposium actual
took place on Friday and we were welcomed by the Chairman of the
event, Ferelith Somerfield. She in turn introduced the keynote
speaker, Professor Steve Dean, his subject had the somewhat ambiguous
title ‘Health Matters’ deliberately chosen to encompass
different aspects. As usual his interpretation was thought provoking.
Steve was followed by a group presentation by Chris Roberts, Sybil
Berrecloth, Feffie Somerfield and non breed specialist judge Ronnie
Irving on certain aspects of the Breed Standard. Following lunch saw
the first of the overseas speakers in Jack Smith from the USA whose
presentation was titled Rationale behind proposed breed standards in
the USA and then Mats Lindborg from Sweden on the subject of
Restrictive use of stud dogs in his country which proved extremely
informative. Unfortunately Robert Bartram from Australia was unable
to be with us and his presentation, Lessons from the Past was given
by Fiona Ward. The final Speaker was one of our few younger
exhibitors Dawn Inett on the subject of The Next Generation, Dawn had
undertaken a great deal of research and gave us much to think about.
The very full programme was kept
smoothly running by our Master of Ceremonies Jim Pollock and with the
aid of Brian Mears and Ian Kettle there was plenty of delegate
participation with lively debate and discussion. The whole day was
rounded off by Anthony Osborn in the form of an overview of the
subjects presented.
On Saturday many of us attended City
of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh where Sally Latto had
an entry of 98. Just as we were giving ourselves a pat on the back
for a successful previous day an organiser’s worst nightmare
evolved when we learnt that our Speaker for the Gala Dinner that
evening, Andrew Brace, had been taken into hospital and would be
unable to attend. A hasty consultation resulted in a team of three
formidable ladies (assertive but not aggressive as the Breed Standard
states) being despatched to the Lancashire Heeler ring where we
understand the judge in situ displayed a somewhat apprehensive look
when noticing them at the ringside. What a wonderful substitute Frank
Kane proved to be, a witty and amusing speaker most of his speech
having been written in the taxi on the way to the hotel.
Prior to the Dinner, a Reception was
held in memory of our colleague Fiona Cameron who had contributed
some much in the preparation of the Symposium and sadly died earlier
this year. Her husband Jim joined us and very kindly provided
‘something bubbly’ together with putting all the wine on
the tables for the following Dinner. The evening culminated with a
presentation by Mary Towers to Feffie Somerfield for all her
contribution to our breed over so many years.
On Sunday The Midland Cairn Terrier
Club held their Championship Show at the Hotel, the judge being Mats
Lindborg from Sweden who drew and entry of over 140, we witnessed a
new UK Champion on the day in Yvonne Catto’s Birselaw The
Thrill Of It All.
And so four years of planning came to
an end, the feedback has been very favourable and everybody seems to
have really enjoyed the event, so thank you all once again from the
Steering Group.
Frances Goldfinch
UK Symposium Report
The first speaker to present was
Professor Steve Dean,
recently elected Chairman of the Kennel Club. This, together with
his senior position in the veterinary world, allied with the fact
that he is a serious breeder and exhibitor of Border Terriers made
him a particularly appropriate person to lead off our symposium.
Over the past twenty years the way
animals are bred has been changing. This has had more noticeable
effect on farm livestock but is increasingly changing the way we
breed dogs.
What has brought about the change?
Stated plainly it is the study and application of genetic science
and, in particular, the discoveries unleashed by molecular biology.
This sounds complicated yet science has led us to the identification
of the very genes that are capable of producing disease and has
provided the opportunity to control some inherited diseases in a way
we were still dreaming of just two decades ago.
In the 21st
century the breeding of dogs has become a public controversy. In fact
there has always been controversy but recently this was promoted into
the public arena by the BBC. As with any media related reporting, the
issues were unclear, unfocussed and over-stressed, but on
consideration can be broadly categorised either as inherited disease
or as conformational defects. However, the division between the two
can be less than clear.
Nevertheless, using modern science we
can now control the breeding of dogs to limit or eliminate some
genetic defects but at present our efforts are limited to attempts
breeding ‘healthy dogs’ or more precisely dogs free of
specific inherited disease.
Traditionally a dog breeder selects
breeding stock from bitches in their possession and the available
supply of suitable stud dogs. The assessment of the likely breeding
pair is based on many factors which may differ from breed to breed
but most importantly the choice is determined by the ambition of the
breeder. It is perhaps fortunate that we do not all see dogs the same
way as this leads to the very genetic diversity that many of our
critics demand. However, on those occasions where a breed focuses on
a breed line excessively or a particular stud dog becomes
over-popular then difficulties may well arise.
The conformation of the head is a
major focus for breed type and for some can become an overwhelming
feature both in terms of breeding and in the show ring. Common sense
suggests that the conformation of the rest of the body is at least as
important. In much the same way, in many breeds a particular coat
quality is critical or it may be it is colour and markings that drive
choice. However, none of this is a problem as long as a breed pays
attention to overall health and soundness in whatever it chooses to
aim for.
In genetic terms the traditional way
of breeding a dog as described above is selection of stock by
phenotype, in other words, largely how the dog appears to the eye and
hands. Anybody who has attempted to breed to a standard will agree
this is not easy, as there are no guarantees that pairing dogs of
very similar appearance will breed more of the same. There are always
compromises to be made in terms of selection too with the distance to
the stud dog a significant factor.
In genetic terms, difficulty arises
from the fact that most of the conformational characteristics we are
hoping to reproduce from any given mating are determined by groups of
genes acting together (polygenic inheritance) and it is difficult to
assemble these genes in a reliable or predictable way and is most
often achieved by line- breeding.
The molecular
blueprint of a dog
At the centre of nearly every cell in
the body (skin surface and red blood cells are exceptions) there lies
a nucleus and this contains the genetic material, referred to as ‘the
chromosomes’. Each chromosome is a collection of molecules laid
out in a long spiral form (the double helix). The molecules are
sequenced in a regular and pre-determined way with four nucleic acids
repeated in sequence along the chromosome. It is portions of these
sequences that are termed genes and each chromosome has many genes
along its length. A final complexity to be added is the knowledge
that chromosomes are paired and the genes on each of the chromosomes
pair act together to exert their effect.
For example, the dog has 78
chromosomes (39 pairs) in each nucleus and this has been estimated
represent as many as 100,000 genes. The human has only 46 chromosomes
but about the same number of genes. Another important fact is that
each cell in the same dog contains the exactly the same chromosomes
and it is the genes they carry that determine the structure and
function of each part of the body. This is fairly surprising given
cells vary so much (forming kidney, liver or muscle as just three
It is very easy to get lost in the
science but it is the role of the molecular biologist and geneticist
to unravel the science and offer advice, so from the complexity of
the science, what salient facts can we use to help the dog breeder,
without losing ourselves in a morass of molecular technology and
Phenotype and genotype
We have already seen how dog breeders
use physical appearance (phenotype) to judge the quality of a dog for
exhibition or breeding potential. Of course the experienced breeder
also has an insight into a dog’s genotype – which is the
pattern of the genes on each chromosome, although they may not
realise this is what they know. This is because experience of a given
breeding line reveals to the observant what strengths and weaknesses
exist within a dog’s make up and what is likely to arise from
any given mating. For example, a high incidence of seizures in a
breed-line indicates there is a genetic trait in the line which leads
to this disease surfacing from time to time. On a good note, breed
lines that live the longest owe much of this to their genetic make-up
The common sense approach is to breed
away from dogs that produce undesirable defects which may simply mean
do not use dogs or bitches for breeding that have the defect or
frequently produce dogs with a defect. A breeder might also discard
litter-mates as well from the breed-line or, if the practical
experience points towards a particular dog or line as the source of
the problem this may be entirely avoided in future breeding plans.
This works well for many defects and
is in fact the approach we use when using an x-ray to assess the hips
of large breeds, the scoring of which permits breeders to breed away
from the worst affected dogs and concentrate on those with the best
hip conformation. However this same strategy does not work so well
for the so called autosomal recessive genes. An autosomal recessive
gene will only cause a clinical problem when it appears on both of
the paired chromosomes. Therefore if one chromosome has the normal
gene and one the defective gene the dog will remain healthy because
the normal gene is ‘dominant’. The dog in this example is
however termed a ‘carrier’ and breeding it to another
carrier may produce some puppies that are affected by the disease
(25% is the figure normally quoted).
It is fortunate perhaps that the
autosomal recessive gene is where molecular science offers the most
immediate potential. For we can now detect many of the problematic
abnormal ‘recessive genes’ by a relatively simple test
carried out usually using a cheek swab. The simplicity is in the
collection of a few cells from an oral sample of the lining of the
mouth. This is usually achieved by using a slightly abrasive swab.
This sample of cells permit the laboratory to detect the presence or
absence of a specific defective gene in their chromosomes.
Furthermore, the test will tell us if the gene is present on one or
both chromosomes and therefore permit us to distinguish between an
affected dog, a carrier and a clear dog.
This is a big advance for breeders who
can use the science to guide their choice of breeding stock to avoid
known inherited disease, something that was very difficult to do just
a couple of decades ago. A breeder can therefore use even a basic
knowledge of the genetics of their breed-line alongside a laboratory
test and thus expand their understanding of the genotype of their
dogs (i.e. identify clear, carrier or affected)
The elimination of
inherited disease
This technology therefore permits us
to dream of the day where inherited disease in pedigree dogs can be
eliminated and for certain diseases (PRA, liver toxicosis, CLAD) this
is indeed a reality. However the dream is not yet a reality for all
genetic disease and in some cases we must ask ourselves how important
is it that the disease is eliminated. For example, posterior polar
cataract is a small blemish in the lens of the eye which rarely
affects vision, rarely progresses to a generalised cataract and if it
does it occurs very late in the life of a dog when other illnesses
associated with old age are likely to be a more serious threat to
health and welfare. Deciding to develop a gene test for PPC does not
seem to be a primary requirement and furthermore will yield little
benefit in terms of health and welfare.
The development of gene tests is not
so easily applied for the polygenic diseases (e.g. hip or elbow
dysplasias) where many genes act in concert to achieve the
detrimental effect. Work continues to find marker genes that can act
as reliable indicators of presence or absence of a condition and
future development of tests that have value are possible but breeders
will need to learn how best to apply them.
It is also a challenge where a breed
has more than one significant genetic defect. Cavaliers for example
are wrestling with a heart defect (Mitral Valve Disease) and a
neurological problem (syringomyelia) and this adds complexity to such
an extent that for many this must seem a hopeless situation. Such
challenges need considerable expert help and the breed faces a long
and painful road with no guarantees of success and the tests they
need to apply are expensive (MRI scans and heart testing) and as yet
not entirely accurate or specific for the conditions they are
designed to detect. Both examples are relatively late onset diseases
too, so dogs and bitches may well have been bred from before the
inherited problem appears as a clinical problem.
Yet even before a breed is faced with
dealing with a gene based disease, the first obstacle is to get the
breed to collectively recognise the problem and act. In some breeds
for example the umbilical hernia would not be tolerated whereas in
others it is considered a ‘normal’ defect and may even be
justified as a traumatic injury at birth. The same applies to
conformational defects that cause clinical disease. For example, poor
eyelid conformation is accepted in some breeds yet would be penalised
in others.
Mutations and
It is worth stating that genetic
mutation is normal. It occurs spontaneously and is not always
detrimental. In fact most living creatures will contain a number of
genetic mutations without any apparent ill effect. However, where a
mutation is selected and promoted by the breeding practice employed
any beneficial or detrimental effect becomes evident. In-breeding
(and line-breeding is a form of in-breeding) tends to concentrate
genes of the same type and where the effect is detrimental a genetic
disease or weakness may arise. Conversely, where genes are
beneficial, in breeding ‘fixes’ a conformational
characteristic and this can be behavioural as well as conformational.
Popular sires, small gene pools,
excessive in-breeding and a failure to use an out-cross judiciously
in a breeding programme, all favour the promotion of significant
defects when they arise.
The breed health survey is perhaps the
best tool to uncover the consequences of excessive conformational
defects and genetic disease. Where genotype (the genetic make-up of a
dog) produces a phenotype (how the dog looks structurally) that is
undesirable then the sensible breeder will tend not to breed from the
affected dog. Simple examples are the under-shot jaw, the kinked
tail, the umbilical hernia and the undescended testicle. However, as
these problems are polygenic, improvement will take many years to
achieve and will see many frustrating set-backs.
Breed recognition of a conformational
fault that has become part of the breed characteristics is more
contentious and the fifteen high profile breeds demonstrate clearly
how an obvious abnormality to one dog breeder is accepted as normal
for another. Yet nevertheless once recognised as undesirable even the
most extreme exaggerations can be quite rapidly improved by selection
of the breeding pair to breed for desired traits or characteristics.
In breeding and out
In-breeding brings together similar
genotypes and therefore risks compounding the presence of defective
genes. Done well, it capitalises on the good aspects of the genetic
code and avoid defective genes that will be detrimental to health.
The commonsense approach is to line-breed where there are a majority
of good characteristics on both sides of the mating but outcross
where health improvements are desirable.
Crossbreeding can also be useful where
there is a need to introduce ‘healthy’ genes and this was
typified by the crossing of a Dalmatian and a Pointer to introduce
the genes that prevented the formation of bladder stones which is a
common condition in the Dalmatian breed. For the breed purist this
was a criminal act but in terms of health it could be very useful
especially where there are a high number of affected dogs in a breed.
Out-breeding and cross breeding widens gene pools but must be done
carefully if new defective genes are to be avoided.
Designer breeds
One important factor has been
overlooked where attempts have been made to cross breeds to produce
labradoodles, bugs and jack shihts. All very amusing and apparently
attractive to the public who seem prepared to pay high prices for
such crossbreeds. Apart from having amusing ‘breed’
names, the assumption is that these crosses will be healthier but the
principles of genetics works for crossbreeds as well as for pedigrees
and where both breeds carry similar genes. For example, in the case
of hip dysplasia in labradors and poodles, mating two high scoring
dogs whatever their breed, is just as likely to produce a crossbred
offspring with poor hips.
On-line tools
The Kennel Club has provided other
tools to help breeders in their choice of breeding pairs. The Health
Test Finder allows breeders to see any health test results on
specific dogs to aid research into the health of stud dogs and their
Breed Watch is another on-line
facility designed for judges but useful for prospective dog owners to
check out the conditions to be alert for in their chosen breeds.
These are detailed as conformational defects likely to lead to
adverse effects in the future.
The latest tool which is still being
developed further is Mate Select. This currently allows the breeder
to assess the in-breeding of the proposed Sire and Dam and to assess
how in-bred their offspring might be in advance of any mating taking
place. In the future a greater linkage to health data would make this
tool even more powerful and in the future we can expect the advent of
Estimated Breeding Values for several breeds. This is a system used
to advantage in the livestock sector and will offer breeders the
opportunity to assess the value of any dog in terms of breeding
potential in terms of reducing inherited disease. It may offer
considerable potential for the polygenic types of inheritance.
Assured (Accredited)
Breeder Scheme (ABS)
Recently renamed, the ABS seeks to
provide the owner of a new dog with assurance that health and good
welfare has been taken into account by a listed dog breeder. The
system identifies those who are members of breed clubs, who have had
success in the show ring and those considered by the peers as being
breeders of good reputation. Underpinned by a code of practice this
is a public facing system that directs the puppy buyer to a breeder
most likely to provide them with a healthy dog.
Molecular science is offering
considerable value to dog breeders in controlling or eliminating
inherited disease in pedigree dogs. Used sensibly alongside
traditional values and personal knowledge the future can be very good
for the dogs we breed. We do not have to understand the complex
science to use the opportunity offered as this can be translated into
simple tests and techniques for the dog breeder to use.
Following his presentation, Professor
Dean answered questions from the floor. A selection of them follow.
Q Liver shunt
is present in our breed. Are we doing enough by just doing the bile
acid test?
A No. But it
is all you have at the moment. Yours is not the only breed with this
problem – other small breeds have it too. It is thought that
small size may have something to do with it. Unfortunately a genetic
test is still a long way away and until that is available you need to
use the test you have. It also acts as some kind of protection for
breeders to be able to give evidence of this test if at some future
time a puppy they have sold develops the problem.
Q Do dogs
produce twins?
A Yes, but it
is not common. In dogs you could have a situation where a single egg
will divide and produce another puppy but if it does occur it tends
to produce foetal monsters with two tails or something like that.
Q If the
percentage of inbreeding should be a compromise between maintaining
type and breeding healthy dogs, what is the recommended percentage of
A Current
guidance is that you should try to keep the level of inbreeding down
to 12 - 12½%.
Q The Kennel
Club’s Mate Select service puts the Cairn Terrier inbreeding
co-efficient at 6.6%, but I did an exercise using a show catalogue to
calculate the co-efficient of those show dogs and it came to 9%
A An
excellent point. Only 1% of dogs are shown, and 10% bred. The breed
average is calculated using all dogs registered with the Kennel Club.
We all know that there are a lot of people out there breeding Cairns
who we might say we would rather not have breeding Cairns and the
natural inclination is to try to get rid of them. But they are
creating diversity in the breed. No doubt we would all like to get
rid of so-called “puppy farmers” ie someone who breeds
for money and pays little attention to health and welfare, but we
should not reject all those who breed for money, but who obey all the
rules of the ABS. When the KC is accused of having a “puppy
farmer” on its ABS list, when we go and look at them they are
quite often better than some of those who regard themselves as good
Some of
these Cairns out there that you would look at and say “I don’t’
want one of them” could actually be your salvation because they
are your route back to the place you have come away from.
So to answer
your question, the inbreeding average of breeding stock is likely to
be higher than that of the breed as a whole.
Q Some
Scandinavian countries are restricting the use of stud dogs. Is this
a good thing?
A I think it
is a bad thing. It takes away from people the ability to make up
their own minds. There are breeds, however, where the injudicious
use of a popular sire has created problems, whereas others get away
with it because the popular sire is very healthy. I don’t
think restricting use is a good thing, but it is important to get
people to take the responsibility and give careful thought before
The next speaker was Ms
Maud Hawkes, Breed Health
Co-ordinator and Chair of the Cairn Terrier Health Group.
Maud Hawkes
Breed Health Co-ordinator
The importance of health monitoring
was already realised in the 1990s which lead to the Cairn Terrier
Health Watch being formed, under the leadership of Ruth Wadman-Taylor
until the time of her death, when, in 2006, the Health Watch was
replaced by the Cairn Terrier Health Group. Real-time health
recording has therefore been undertaken in our breed long before the
Kennel Club made this a requirement of all Breed Clubs in 2008.
Active health monitoring is vital to gain knowledge about the general
health situation in a breed and to be able to observe trends such as
an increase in cases of certain conditions and also to detect any new
health problem that might occur in the breed.
The Cairn Terrier Health Group tries
hard to encourage owners and breeders to participate in this
important gathering of information and it therefore introduced a “new
owner form” a couple of years ago. This was intended to be
included in the breeders’ puppy packs and also to accompany
re-homed older dogs. It is down-loadable from Club websites and has
contact names of CTHG members. For those who are unable to download,
the forms are also available on request from Sonia White. We were
also given the opportunity to advertise the health work in the Cairn
Terrier Relief Fund Newsletter.
The number of phone calls and emails
concerning health issues has steadily increased over the last few
years, which is encouraging. It is however noticeable that very many
of those contributing with valuable information are pet-owners.
Breeders don’t seem to be quite so ready to share any
information they may have.
It is of course also tremendously
important that the breeders themselves keep records on all the dogs
they own and breed. Proper recording and long term or lifetime
follow up of progeny is essential to assess what a breeding programme
I often hear comments from people
while talking about one of the conditions we have in the breed and
they say “Oh, it’s not in my line.” But the show
population is so closely bred that nowadays we can’t talk about
a specific line. “I have never bred a puppy with it” is
another remark, but if you don’t follow up to the end of these
puppies’ lives you won’t know what you have produced.
I do receive a lot of historical
information from people who ring up to say, for example, that they
have a dog with Ocular Melanosis - one person had in fact had two,
one after the other, and from the same breeder. She had contacted
the breeder who said it wasn’t in her line and the vet said it
was not hereditary. I always tell people to tell the breeder about
any health problem, but the breeders don’t always want to know.
It is early days yet but health
reporting is becoming more and more efficient. Many breed clubs (ie
in other breeds) had done nothing at all until the action taken by
the Kennel Club in 2008, while others have been very pro-active and
solved some complicated hereditary issues. But without the
cooperation of breeders providing samples for tests, the researchers
can’t do anything to develop DNA so it is up to you as breeders
and owners to contribute information to ensure the success of any
future DNA testing.
Portosystemic Shunt (PSS)
Liver shunt, is a congenital problem
ie present at birth, and hereditary.
In 2010, 352 litters of Cairns were
registered with the KC. Of these less than 5% contributed bile acid
test results. Either people are not having the test done, or have it
done but don’t send in the results.
There are two sides to this: one is
an ethical one – selling puppies without having done the tests
which are available; the other side is that we live in a litigious
society and anyone having a puppy which turns out to have a shunt, on
finding that there is a test available that was not done could
involve you in an expensive legal situation.
Research is going on in Australia, the
USA and Holland. There are different schools of thought and
different methods but it is encouraging that effort and money are
being spent towards developing a DNA test which will be invaluable.
Two methods of testing are used by researchers: the ammonia
tolerance test (ATT) and the bile acid test (BA). Dr Center who
leads the research in the USA strongly promotes the use of BA
testing, but the ATT is used in the Utrecht research. Both methods
appear to give a good result but for us in the UK (and presumably
also in USA) the use of ATT has practical problems since the blood
has to be processed very quickly ie the veterinary surgery must be
equipped with suitable lab facilities to do immediate plasma
separation and analysis and not many vets here have those facilities.
The testing in the Netherlands is done
typically at the Utrecht University vet school and another place with
the necessary equipment. It’s a much smaller country than the
UK so easier for owners to reach a designated vet hospital.
BA testing is much easier to deal with
since no special techniques are needed and the blood can be drawn at
any vet surgery and then sent off for analysis at a testing lab.
The opinion about the optimum age for
testing also seems to vary between different scientists. Some think
7 weeks is too early as puppies are newly weaned, they haven’t
grown so much and there is not so much to metabolise for the liver,
so the results may not be so indicative. Our DNA work goes to
Utrecht and they are happy with the way we are doing this here.
Professor Dean pointed out that the BA testing was not strictly a
diagnostic method since other liver conditions also affect the BA
values. This problem is however overcome by the procedure to retest
puppies with abnormal results and further diagnostic investigations
are being used. No cases of congenital PSS have been reported where
the puppy BA testing was normal. It is very important that BA test
results and case histories are reported so that the accuracy of the
testing method can itself be “tested”
Ocular Melanosis
This problem which can lead to
glaucoma in older age, is a progressively developing condition and it
is important to have tests carried out every second year. The test
will be available at the show here tomorrow (and indeed is normally
available at the Joint show every year.)
This disease is not congenital like
liver shunt, but it is hereditary. The earliest a case has been
recorded was at the age of one year, but more usually it would not be
until from around the age of three or later the first signs would be
found. You therefore have to repeat the tests as they could
initially be clear. Having the regular tests would make it possible
to withdraw a dog or bitch from the breeding programme as soon as it
was detected.
The results of tests on Schedule B of
the BVA/KC/SDS Eye scheme, of which OM in Cairns is one, are sent to
the BVA where they are collated, but they are not sent to the KC’s
computer base. They will therefore not appear on the KC’s Mate
Paul O’Grady
Mrs Mary Towers
Mrs Chris Roberts, Secretary
To those of you who don’t know
me I am Chris Roberts, as I am talking you will see on the screen
photo’s of some of the Cairns who have for a fleeting moment
been part of one of the Trustee’s lives. All of these Cairns
have a story to tell, for some of them it’s a story of hardship
and cruelty, others it’s sadness of loosing the love and
affection of their beloved owner, but without a doubt I think you
will also see that they are now enjoying life to the full in their
new homes.
For the past 28 years I have been
involved as a Trustee, Secretary & Treasurer of the Fund, however
18months ago I managed to get someone to ‘volunteer’ for
the job of Treasurer, so my job is now much easier.
The very first Meeting and the
formation of the C.T.R.F. was well before I was involved in Cairn
Terriers. It was held “at Dursley 29th
March 1969”, almost 42 years ago. However I have found no
written record of this meeting.
The first Minutes recorded were at
Sedgley dated 3rd
April 1971 where two Trustees were elected from each of the following
clubs C.T.C. Miss Peggy Wilson & Mr A. Hogg. S.C.T.C. Mrs
Armstrong & Mrs Wadman-Taylor, and the C.T.A. Mrs Bessie Shea and
Mr J.H. Dean. Mrs Armstrong (Charlie Dixon) was elected as Chairman,
Mr J. Dean (Bessie Dewhurst’s father) was elected
Secretary/Treasurer. The first record of a balance sheet is dated
December 1975 where it was recorded that the Fund was worth £683.75.
All of these names will probably mean
nothing to some of you and in fact all of the people I have mentioned
are now deceased. However their legacy lives on in the constitution
they minuted 42 years ago, as we have kept to the general outline of
the original constitution, when we registered the CTRF with the
Charity Commission in 1991.
Our Purpose
I like to call it our ‘purpose’,
but the constitution states ‘object’, so
object of the Fund is to relieve the suffering and distress of Cairn
Terriers in need of care and attention.
We do this in a number of
take Cairns that are found straying and have been taken to the local
pound for the statutory 7 days, when their time is up and they’re
lucky, then they find their way to us.
their owners have died and there is no one to take them in, we have
their owners are too ill or are being moved into accommodation where
they can’t take their Cairn with them we take them
they’re being ill treated or neglected
their owners split up and neither wants or can’t take
responsibility of the Cairn.
the saddest of all, if they’re no longer wanted……….”he
was great as a pup, but the son/daughter is at uni now and we work
and don’t have the time for him”!!
take them, some are ok to go directly to their new home, others need
to be assessed, however we don’t have kennels, so it’s up
to each Trustee to find a way of assessing them, either with that
particular trustee or one of our ‘helpers’.
Club Members and our ‘Friends’ of the C.T.R.F. play quite
a big part in the re-homing of the dogs and help out whenever they
Trustee has their own ‘local’ list of ‘would be’
new owners, who have already completed one of our questionnaires and
have been put on the waiting list. From this list we try to choose
which would be the right owner for the dog, in most cases we carry
out the home check when we take the dog, if all goes well with the
meeting then the new owners keep him on a 4 week ‘approval’
period and if there are no problems they will officially adopt him.
If the dog doesn’t settle then he comes back to us and
depending on the reason for him not settling then this determines
what will happen to him in the future.
have on average 50 Cairns each year for re-homing, which isn’t
that many compared to some rescue places, and it is noticeable that
there has been a decrease of rescues over the past 5 years when we
used to get in the region of 100. I can only think that more
breeders are taking their own dogs back when there are problems with
them, but I wouldn’t swear to this!!!
Friends of
Friends of the CTRF is a branch of the CTRF dedicated to fund
raising, and is governed by the CTRF constitution. Its aim is to
raise enough money to buy/build/beg/borrow or steal kennels where the
‘more difficult to re-home’ Cairn can see the rest of its
days out.
member pays an annual subscription fee of £5, and they each
receive a newsletter, which consists of their photo’s and
stories, together with news articles and advice which is all relevant
to the Cairn.
recent years we have seen an increase of ‘old’ dogs and
by old I mean in excess of 12yrs. Obviously these are more difficult
to re-home, not because they don’t settle, as I have found they
settle to their new home much easier than the younger Cairns, but
because of their age. People don’t want to take on a dog
that’s perhaps only got 12 months or so to live, and perhaps
some of you would say ‘is it wise to put an old dog with total
strangers and in strange surroundings’? In my experience it is
worth it, but those homes are very few and far between, so the dog
has to wait, usually at one of the Trustee’s homes or with a
fosterer until someone comes along to take him.
are available to anyone wishing to become a ‘Friend’
Sybil Berrecloth
spoke on the DEVELOPMENT
Many of the points made in her presentation were appropriately
illustrated with photographs and paintings.
Once upon a time in the Highlands of
Scotland, there lived a race of dogs, small, hairy and short-legged.
They were intelligent, brave, hardy and would take on anything.
Quite a lot has been written about the
early history of the breed, some of it supposition, some speculation
and some factual. But it all helps to understand how the pioneers of
the breed considered it when they drew up the first Standard.* ‘Fit
for function’ may be a modern catchphrase but it was evident a
hundred years ago that the pioneers of the Cairn Terrier breed were
looking to describe a primarily healthy, functional, working terrier.
Captain Macdonald of Waternish in
Skye, a keen sportsman, had a large pack of terriers bred entirely
for sport. He probably killed more otters than anyone living and
from his long experience was well qualified to give an opinion on the
best sort of terrier for sporting purposes. Some of the points he
gave in 1876 included height – male about 9 ½ “,
female 7 ½”; length from between eyes to root of tail -
male 10 ½”, female 20”; weight - male 16lbs,
female 12 lbs. Back should be long, legs short head strong and jaw
longish. Today the body length hasn’t changed much but Cairns
are much taller and mostly heavier, so the proportions are quite a
lot different.
Although Cairns first appeared in the
showring in 1909 and the Cairn Terrier Club was formed in 1910, the
first Standard – headed ‘Cairn Terrier Points’ -
was not drawn up until 1911 when , according to Florence Ross ‘
a very representative gathering of Cairn owners met after the judging
was over at the Scottish Kennel club Show, held in Edinburgh,
Waternish taking the chair. Among those present were the Hon. Sec.
Mrs Alastair Campbell, the Lady Sophie Scott, Lady Charles Bentinck,
the Hon. Mary Hawke, Mrs Fleming and the writer.’
The First Breed Standard
General Appearance
(20) — Small, active, game; very hardy in appearance; strong,
though compactly built. Should stand well forward on fore paws,
strong quarters, deep in ribs; very free in movement; coat hard
enough to resist rain; head small, but in proportion to body. A
general foxy appearance is the chief characteristic of this Working
(10) — broad in proportion; strong, but not too long or heavy
jaw. A slight indentation between eyes; hair should be rather full on
top of head.
(10) — powerful, but not heavy; very strong jaw, with large
teeth; roof of mouth black.
(5) — set wide apart, large, hazel or dark hazel, rather sunk,
with shaggy eyebrows.
(5) — small, pointed, well carried, and erect but not too
closely set.
(5) — about 6 inches, well furnished with hair but not
feathery; carried gaily, but must not curl over back.
(25) — compact, straight back, deep ribs, strong sinews, hind
quarters very strong.
Legs and Feet — Low in leg;
good, but not too large bone; fore legs should not be out at elbow,
but fore feet may be slightly turned out; fore feet larger than
hind; legs must be covered with hard hair; pads should be black.
Coat (10)
— Coat hard, but not coarse, with good undercoat and head well
furnished; in colour — sandy, grey, brindled or nearly black.
Dark points such as ears, muzzle, very typical. In order to keep
this breed to best old working type, any cross with a modern Scotch
Terrier will be considered objectionable.
Muzzle — undershot or snipey
Eyes — Too prominent or too
Ears — Too large or round at
points. They must not be too heavily coated with hair.
Coat — Silkiness or curliness
objectionable; a slight wave permissible.
Skull 10 Muzzle 10 Eyes 5
Ears 5 Body, neck and chest 25 Legs and Feet 10 The Tail 5
General appearance, size and coat 30 100
It is not known which other Cairn
Terrier Club members actually had a part in this, but the yearbook
for 1914 lists in the membership a goodly number of the aristocracy,
a couple of Masters of Foxhounds and several military gentlemen. Not
for them the fireside pet. The accent was on working
terrier as is obvious from
the opening paragraph. – this little chap was expected to be
active, and hardy as well as being ‘game’ – meaning
it would tackle anything, a characteristic which is still present
today, sometimes to the chagrin of his owners!
The Cairn was expected to work in all
weathers, hence the description of the coat – hard enough to
resist rain but with a soft undercoat to keep the dog dry and warm.
Depth of rib was required so that the Cairn had plenty of stamina
with good lungs and heart. He had to be able to work for hours on
end in all weathers.
The description of the muzzle was
possibly to distinguish the Cairn from the Scottie but the
requirement for a strong jaw with large teeth was relevant to his
work which could mean tackling anything from a rat to a fearsome foe
like an otter. Strong hindquarters, the powerhouse of the dog, are
needed to enable him to work for long periods and also to help propel
him into the nooks and crannies of the cairns where his prey took
refuge. The six-inch tail was long enough to get a grip of if the
Cairn had to be hauled out of a tight spot and of course if the tail
was curled over the back it would be difficult to grasp
Some of the other points in the
Standard are, I feel, cosmetic in that they are inserted mainly to
point the difference between the Cairn and the Scottie. The last
paragraph accentuates this difference ‘In order to keep this
breed to best old working type, any cross with a modern Scottish
Terrier will be considered objectionable.’ So they wanted to
make sure the Cairn was a distinctive breed in its own right.
According to Mrs Campbell, quoted in
John Beynon’s book, “why we say ‘foxy outlook’
is to impress the wild look or look of the wild. They also have the
slyness of the fox in many ways.” Later she says “the
best are those with a fairly short jaw and broad in the head, in fact
‘foxy.” Again according to John Beynon, Ch. Gesto was a
notable example of a working Cairn, being ‘as good on the
hillside as in the ring.’
Thinking about the Cairns who were
around in 1911, it is reasonable to assume that the Standard was
based on those animals and their immediate ancestors.
Over the years the Standard has
undergone numerous changes and amendments, some pretty minor, others
quite major. It is interesting to see that in the first Standard,
emphasis was very much on the body, neck and chest, which, along with
general appearance, size and coat account for more than half the
allotted points, although there is in fact no mention of size or
weight in the Standard. This suggests that these early breeders
felt that soundness was more important than appearance or perhaps
these just took up more of the dog than the skull, eyes etc.
First amendments in 1916:
By now it is the ‘Standard of Points.’ Unfortunately
there is no record of this change – the CTC Minute books prior
to WWII disappeared during the war. No doubt, after five years it
was felt that a few ‘tweaks’ were necessary.
General Appearance
– The first sentence is changed to ‘Active, game, hardy
and “shaggy” in appearance;’ The word’
small’ has gone and the word ‘shaggy’ appears-
they didn’t want their Cairns barbered in any way.
Skull -
A ‘slight’ indentation is changed to ‘decided’
and ‘hair should be rather full on top of head’ to ‘hair
should be full on forehead.’ I have never quite understood why
we need an indentation between the eyes – decided or otherwise.
The Westie is the only other terrier Standard which asks for this
and theirs is only ‘slight.’ Did the bit about the hair
on the head come from a desire not to have the Cairn confused with
the Dandie?
–The words ‘which should be neither undershot nor
overshot’ are added to better describe the bite. Presumably a
level bite was acceptable. The description – ‘roof of
mouth black’ disappears – Cairns today often have black
on the inside of their mouths but one can see that it wasn’t
considered necessary in 1916.
– The description ‘large, hazel or dark hazel’ is
changed to ‘medium in size; dark hazel’ Large eyes are
more prone to accidental damage but Dandies have large eyes! As to
the colour – well perhaps they just thought they looked nicer
with dark eyes. As far as I know the colour of the eyes doesn’t
affect their function. What is ‘hazel’ exactly? The
Concise Oxford Dictionary defines ‘hazel’ colour in eyes
as reddish or greenish brown.
– ‘about 6 inches’ becomes ‘short’ and
‘must not curl over back’ becomes should not curl down
towards body.’ Well, length here is relative isn’t it so
this was a change for the better.
– Addition of ‘well-sprung’ in description of ribs
and addition of ‘ Back medium in length and well-coupled.’
Both these changes were a move away from the slightly weedy look of
some of the early Cairns. More substance was considered desirable
with a deeper, longer ribcage.
Shoulders, Legs and feet
- Instead of ‘low in leg’ a description of shoulders:
‘a sloping shoulder and a medium length of leg.’ This
would go with the changes to ‘body’ as the dog would look
very squat with a deep body and short legs. Instead of ‘pads
should be black,’ we have the insertion of ‘pads should
be thick and strong. Thin and ferrety feet are objectionable.’
I have never personally seen a Cairn, except a tiny puppy, with
other than black pads so perhaps they thought this phrase
– Quite a major change here– ‘Very important. Must
be double-coated, with profuse, hard but not coarse, outer coat, and
undercoat which resembles fur and is short, soft and close. Open
coats are objectionable.’ Also addition of colour ‘red.’
It was appreciated that to remain warm and dry the Cairn would need
good insulation and the ability to shed water – anyone who has
ever tried to thoroughly bath a Cairn or get any kind of treatment
right down to the skin will empathise with the description.
The reference to a cross with a
‘Scotch’ Terrier is changed to ‘Scottish.’
Well Scotch is whisky - at least it is in Scotland.
Faults - Muzzle
– ‘Undershot or snipey’ change to ‘undershot
or overshot.’ This ties in with the change to the paragraph on
Nose –
Flesh or light-coloured most objectionable. Yes, well, they wouldn’t
look nice would they, although, again I can’t say I have ever
seen one.
Weight standard introduced - Dogs
about 12 – 16lbs Bitches about 11 – 14lbs - a bit
different from Mr Macdonald’s ideas though these sizes
encompassed his suggestions.
Next amendments 1922: Just
a couple of minor changes.
– This is changed from ‘should not curl down towards
body’ to ‘should not turn down towards back.’ –
gradually getting straighter!
Weight standard - changed
to ‘ideal weight 14lbs.’
Points scale is the same.
In 1927
the SCTC Standard was a
mixture of old and new. Very rough
in appearance, hair full
and hard
on forehead, still had any cross with a modern Scotch
Terrier etc. and no mention of flesh or light coloured nose as a
fault. No mention of weight either
YB had End par.
– ‘any cross
with a modern Scottish Terrier’ ... is changed to ‘any
to a Scottish terrier etc.’ The word ‘modern’ is
In 1933
– ‘General Appearance’ was printed as ’General
Knowledge’ but I suspect this was a typing error. It had
reverted to ‘Appearance’ by 1935!
In 1948
the Kennel Club wrote to the CTC to suggest a rearrangement of the
Clauses in the Standard and the addition of descriptions of
Characteristics and Neck. This was agreed to at the AGM of 1948 and
1948 CTC Year
Book states: In
connection with the standard of points, the Kennel club have
suggested regrouping as above, and this was agreed to by a General
Meeting in May, 1948. To complete the picture, the meeting suggested
the words in italics for consideration under ‘Characteristics’
and ‘Neck.’ The acceptance of this change will be
formally put to the AGM at the SKC show in October next and this is
formal notice in terms of Rule 13. Members should study this NOW.
(The Colonel liked
to keep the members in order)
The regrouping meant that there were
now 14 clauses instead of the previous 9.
The italicised phrases referred to
state ‘ CharacteristicS
– This terrier should
impress with his fearless and gay disposition.
And ‘NECK – well
set on, but not too short’
both these being additions to the existing Standard. In the
sentence about the neck, the word ‘too’ had been
pencilled in – apparently by Baroness Burton – and this
remained until 1981 when the late Alick Hogg brought it to the
attention of the AGM and requested that the committee give it their
urgent attention, which they did and the word was subsequently
removed as it had not been sanctioned by the members.
got a clause to itself as did Mouth
and Neck.
Head and Skull
were grouped together and included Muzzle.
and Hindquarters were
listed separately from Body.
The actual descriptions, however, were exactly the same, just
By 1950
the Scale of Points had disappeared. None here will have judged to a
Scale of Points but I would have thought, if strictly followed, it
could militate against judging the whole animal and possibly lead to
Thus the Standard remained until 1981,
with the addition to all Standards, by request of the Kennel Club, of
the phrase “The male should have two apparently normal
testicles fully descended into the scrotum”
In May
1981 the Scottish
Kennel Club hosted the Second World Congress of Kennel Clubs and one
item discussed was the Unification of Breed Standards. The principle
involved being the production of Breed Standards for each breed which
would be universally acceptable, the English Kennel Club took the
initiative with their own Breed Clubs by issuing a letter giving
certain guidelines for a revised Breed Standard together with a
revised re-write. This
report was from Alick Hogg.
The Kennel Club wrote to all the
breed clubs in late 1981 offering a draft of a revised standard. As
regards that for the Cairn Terrier, they required a description of
Temperament and Gait; the description of the undercoat as
‘resembling fur’ was considered ambiguous; the correct
bite was to be ‘scissor’ with a definition of that; the
listing of faults was no longer allowed. The General Appearance
clause retained the words ‘general foxy appearance’
though this phrase had occasioned a good deal of discussion in the
past as to what exactly was meant.
The then club secretaries consulted
their committees and agreed that a meeting to discuss this was
urgently required before the KC foisted their own version of the
Standard on the breed as their draft contained a number of anomalies.
Accordingly a meeting took place in
Preston to which representatives of all five clubs were invited.
Feffie Somerfield chaired the meeting
and the delegates were: (list
of delegates)
Bessie Shea
Phil Hayward
Walter Bradshaw
Alick Hogg
Patricia Breach
Peggy Wilson
Hazel Small
Willie McCulloch
Albert Price
Jim Pollock
Charlie Dixon
Linda Firth
Judy Parker Tucker
Joan Harding
Milly Jennings
Jack Watson
John Berrecloth
Mary Towers
Bessie Dewhurst (Sally Dean &
Trevor Evans attended the first meeting)
After a couple of pretty hectic days
of discussion agreement was finally reached and the Standard we have
today is what was agreed at that meeting. (Present
Again, from Alick Hogg’s notes:
“As a delegate to
this meeting I must say that I was satisfied with the whole affair
and every delegate had ample opportunity to express his or her
opinion on every point – wide ranging and however momentous or
trivial. This to me was a great thing as I left with the feeling
that every detail had been fully discussed and that an excellent job
had been done.”
Under Characteristics
the phrase ‘active, game and hardy’ has been moved from
General Appearance.
The word’ shaggy’ in
General Appearance
was replaced by ‘workmanlike,
natural appearance.’
Reference to the ‘general foxy appearance’ was deleted.
acquired ‘ fearless
and gay disposition’
from the original Characteristics clause with the addition of
‘assertive but not
As the faults clause had to go, so did
the phrase ‘nose flesh or light coloured objectionable’
to be replaced, in the clause on Head
and Skull, by an
unambiguous ‘nose
black’ The words
‘with a definite stop’
were added.
Under Mouth
was added the definition of ‘scissor
In Forequarters
the words ‘not too large’ were replaced by ‘not
too heavy’ describing
Body ‘compact’
disappeared also the expression ’strong sinews’ –
about which many must have puzzled in the past! ‘Strong,
supple loin’ was
acquired a more comprehensive description from the ‘very
strong’ previously
Under Feet
the reference to ‘ferrety’ feet is deleted and the words
narrow or spreading’
substituted. Was this because not so many people these days would
know what a ferret’s feet were like? Long
nails are also listed as
The Tail
description was somewhat expanded to include ‘balanced’
and ‘neither high nor
low set.’
The additional clause on Gait
as required by the KC was inserted
The texture of Coat
as ‘hard’ was
replaced by ‘harsh’ and ‘slight
wave permissable’
was more clearly defined with the addition of the unacceptable
colours black, white, black and tan.
Nothing is of course written on
tablets of stone, so it may be that some day this Standard will be
revised. There are those who, may feel that parts of it do not
adequately describe the modern Cairn so I look forward to hearing
Linda and Jack’s presentation on judging to the Standard.
The final presentation of the day was
given by Linda Firth
and Jack Watson
who spoke about The
Breed Standard.
points for thought and discussion which were raised throughout the
presentation are given in italics at the end of each section)
They set out to clarify it, discuss
and identify its shortfalls, if any, to prepare the ground for a
publication which would explain the Breed Standard in further detail.
There were many slides included to
illustrate the various points.
The presentation began with the
following Kennel Club
“A breed standard is the
guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and
appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function.
Absolute soundness is essential. Breeders and judges should at all
times be careful to avoid obvious conditions or exaggerations which
would be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness
of this breed. From time to time certain conditions or exaggerations
may be considered to have the potential to affect dogs in some breeds
adversely, and judges and breeders are requested to refer to the
Kennel Club website for details of any such current issues. If a
feature or quality is desirable it should only be present in the
right measure.”
The audience was invited to consider a
Cairn from early days of the breed and one of this existing today and
asked if they thought there were improvements in the head, ears,
stop, topline, tailset, rear, front? And what about the size,
presentation and temperament?
Breed Standard
The presenters then took each clause
of the standard in turn, explaining each and offering points which
the audience might consider and discuss.
General Appearance
“Agile, alert, of
workmanlike, natural appearance. Standing well forward on forepaws.
Strong quarters. Deep in rib, very free in movement.
Weather-resistant coat”
– a Cairn should be able to move around with quick and easy
movements and be supple, lithe and flexible enough to turn
around/twist in a very small space. Bred for working amongst the
rocks (or cairns)
of workmanlike natural appearance - ready for anything, on his toes
all the time
- held in a natural position, ears pricked
- not between his legs, should be upright
- naturally on a loose lead, not stacked
- not overtrimmed, coat not scissored (rugged not ragged)
Standing well forward
- this implies a well developed brisket and no indication of an
upright upper arm. When viewed from the side you should be able to
see the outline of the chest in front of the legs. The words also
indicate that the Cairn should be ready for anything, that he carries
some importance and stature.
Strong quarters
- again the working origins come to the fore and many of you will
say that as most of us no longer work our Cairns then is this really
important? As long as we breed with the working origins in mind then
we shall not go far wrong. Strong quarters means a well bent stifle
and a well muscled rear, the back end should not collapse when
pressure is placed upon it. The depth of the rib cage gives strength
to the body shape. Free movement is essential. It goes with the
agility mentioned earlier.
- a good depth of rib will give plenty of room for heart and lungs
which are important for stamina. The depth of the rib cage gives
strength to the body shape.
Free movement
- not stilted or hackney, covers the ground well. This goes with
the agility mentioned earlier.
Coat -
not open, profuse and of correct texture to stand all weathers and
protect the body from brambles etc whilst out working.
(The US
Standard goes a bit further than we do. “Dogs
should be shown in good hard flesh, well muscled and neither too fat
nor too thin. Should be in good coat with plenty of head
furnishings, be clean and combed, brushed and tidied upon ears, feet,
tail and general outline. Should move freely and easily on a loose
lead. Should not cringe on being handled.”
Would it be
helpful to include something in our standard about showing on a loose
lead, and not stacking?
The only time
“balance” is mentioned is in relation to the tail. As
judges we tend to refer to balance with regard to the whole dog,
irrespective of size. Most Cairns in the ring nowadays weigh more
than the standard says, and are bigger, but they can still be
“Should impress as being
active, game and hardy”
Impress -
this word stresses the importance of the characteristics of the
Cairn. Should be full of life, inquisitive, strong, robust,
courageous. He should be happy, mischievous, into everything,
enjoying life, taking notice of his surroundings. Should not be
Game and hardy
- implies that he should be a working terrier or at least capable
of doing some work. Also implies that he should be fit and not
“Fearless and gay
disposition; assertive but not aggressive.”
- be able to stand up for himself, have a mind of his own, not a
Not shy
- confident, shouldn’t retreat from other dogs, humans
- wariness with strangers and strange happenings shows intelligence
Defend -
should be able to defend himself when threatened but should not
cause aggression
A big dog in a little body!
(The Cairn
should be able to stand up for itself – there is a difference
between aggression and assertiveness. Any wariness of strangers or
strange occurrences shows intelligence)
Head and Skull
“Head small, but in
proportion to body. Skull broad; a decided indentation between the
eyes with a definite stop. Muzzle powerful, jaw strong but not long
or heavy. Nose black. Head well furnished.”
- furnishings can make the head appear much larger than it really
is. Wet the head through to see
In proportion to body
- this was inserted to make sure that the Cairn kept a Cairn-like
head and did not have a head like a Scottie or any other breed. It
should be in proportion to the rest of the dog.
Skull - wider than foreface. Broad
and slightly domed, width between the ears
- This is the break in profile between the skull and the muzzle.
Should be a short and sudden rise and not a gradual slope. A well
defined stop means that the cavities for the eyes are so placed as to
make the eyes look sunken and this improves the expression.
Muzzle -
needs to be able to hold on to prey. If it is too short, the dog
may have small jumbled teeth.
- strong for working purposes, medium jaw, not too long or heavy.
Balance of the head
- tip of ears and the tip of the nose should form an equilateral
- must be black
small, but in proportion to the body” Is this description
sufficient to allow one to picture what it should be like? The
people who drew up the standard were keen to differentiate between
the Cairn and other terrier breeds. For example they didn’t
want the Cairn to have a head like a Scottie., so described it as
Some Cairns
may look as if they have a big head, but much of that is furnishings
and judges need to feel through the furnishings to determine the true
size of the head)
“Wide apart, medium in size,
dark hazel. Slightly sunk with shaggy eyebrows”
Wide apart
- if you have a broad skull and a good stop then the width between
the eyes should be correct. If the skull is narrow the eyes will be
too closely set.
Size - medium. Neither a boot
button eye nor a large eye.
- dark hazel (burnt sugar) colour. Can be slightly adjusted to
allow for coat colour. Not black.
- not mentioned in the standard but should be almond/oval shaped,
not round
Slightly sunk, not protruding
All the above add to the expression
(Many will
agree that the appeal of the Cairn is its eyes and the expression in
its eyes can’t really be described on paper. Their shape is
not mentioned in the Standard but the consensus seemed to be that
they should be “almond” shaped. The colour - “dark
hazel - should any explanatory booklet say that the colour could
differ with some coat colours? The general opinion was that it
should not. Some coats become darker in time and if the lighter eye
colour was allowed it would look very out of place. “Wide
apart” - if the skull is broad enough, they will be)
“Small, pointed, well carried
and erect. Not too closely set nor heavily coated”.
Small -
not large
Pointed -
not round at the tip - removing hair from the top third of the ear
helps accentuate the shape – should feel like velvet
Well carried
- hooded, bonneted ears are wrong. Should be just off the
vertical. Should not stick out sideways nor be too close together.
(The ears
should not be on the side of the head. Some people favour that as
they think it gives the appearance of a greater width of skull)
“Large teeth. Jaws strong
with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite ie upper teeth
closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.”
- tend to be smaller now than in the past; lucky to find 42.
Although not ignored, premolars are not given so much importance here
as they are on the Continent. Teeth should be evenly placed.
Scissor bite needed to hang on to prey
Carriage of head
- neck plays this important role. Should carry the head proudly
with style and ease, not at back level nor at 90 degrees to the back
Flow of neck
- should be a nice flowing line from the head to the well laid
Length - medium, not over
exaggerated or swan like. In proportion to the rest of the dog but
not stodgy. Should have flexibility to turn in a small place.
“Sloping shoulders, medium
length of leg, good but not too heavy bone. Forelegs never out at
elbow. Legs covered with harsh hair.”
6 functions of the forehand
to support weight
to absorb concussion or shock, from
movement and jumping
to propel the body in twists and
to rectify balance
to help or even control or maintain
the level of the centre of gravity
What it is not responsible for is
propulsion in movement.
Incorrect construction of the forehand
will cause incorrect front movement
Get the point of the shoulder blade at
the withers and imagine a vertical line downwards. If the line falls
down to the tip of the elbow then the shoulder placement is OK.
There should be sufficient layback of shoulder. The top of the
shoulder blade should not come into the base of the neck.
Upper arm is also important.
Angulation and length of upper arm should be equal to that of the
shoulder blade. The Cairn is an earth dog and so the upper arm is
important for digging. If the upper arm is short or badly placed
this will restrict movement.
Brisket is important for a Cairn to go
to earth in a restricted space. A Cairn will work with brisket on
the floor with freedom of the upper arm. There should be depth and
Clean shoulders
- desirable, shoulder lying close to the rib cage.
Loaded shoulders – not
desirable, overloaded with muscle either over or under the blade. If
there is a gap between the two shoulder blade points (over the
withers) then there is a fault with the muscle and the shoulder
blades are pushed outwards. The front is therefore widened or out at
the elbows.
Leg -
this word “medium” again. A short legged dog would not
be able to work. Elbows should be parallel and legs straight when
viewed from the front. Depth from the withers to the brisket should
be about equal to the length of leg from brisket to the ground.
- medium bone, not too heavy making a solid, heavy animal, nor too
light making him a weed
Coat on legs
- should not be soft or long
“Back level, medium length.
Well sprung deep ribs; strong supple loin.”
Back -
topline should be level both standing and on the move
- dependent upon there being the correct ratio between ribs and the
loin. Height from floor to withers should be equal to the length of
back from the withers to the root of the tail.
- the part between the ribs and the pelvis. Too long a loin would
give weakness in that area. Too short a loin would mean a lack of
flexibility and movement would be restricted. Need good form muscle
to give correct working of hindquarters.
Ribs -
ribs are attached to the spine and enclose the lungs and protect the
vital organs. To give room for the lungs to expand the ribs should
spring out well on each side of the spine. 9 to the breastbone, 3
attached to the 9th
and 13th
is floating.
(Back should
still be level on the move. Ribs should be heart-shaped. As a rough
guide, the height from the floor to the withers should equal the
distance from the withers to the base of the tail. Ribs should be
deep enough to reach the elbow “a bit of dog in front of the
“Very strong muscular thighs.
Good but not excessive bend of stifle. Hocks well let down
inclining neither in nor out when viewed from the rear”
Hindquarters are the source of power
and locomotion
Pelvic Bone - the bone linking the
hindquarters to the spine. Important - incorrect length and angle
affect movement. The end of the pelvic bone could be described as
the sit point. Ideal angulation of pelvis is about 30 degrees.
Should stand with the same angulation behind as in front. Width of
sit point important as we don’t want narrow hindquarters.
Croup –
where the pelvic bone begins going down to the tail.
Upper thigh
– between pelvis and lower thigh. Carries the main muscle in
the hindquarters. Quality of muscle on thighs gives power in rear
- the joint between upper and lower thigh. A well bent stifle is
essential as this means that the lower thigh is of good length.
Should not be exaggerated so that topline falls away and hindquarters
are stretched out behind. The hindquarters should be set beneath the
Cairn and well collected so that the topline is level at all times
with no falling away over the croup.
- between lower thigh and back leg. Hocks should move parallel.
If turn inwards they are cow hocked. Hocks should be short and well
down giving more stamina.
Patella (knee cap) - attached to the
lower thigh by strands of ligaments. If muscles passing over knee
cap to lower thigh are slack or grooves in upper thigh not made
correctly then the knee cap can slip out of place - (slipping
“Forefeet larger than hind,
may be slightly turned out. Pads thick andstrong. Thin, narrow or
spreading feet and long nails objectionable.”
Front feet
- may turn out slightly for digging but they should never turn
- well cushioned, required to absorb the initial shock of the foot
hitting the ground. Heel of the pad makes first contact.
- thrust delivered by toes therefore short nails essential
(The feet are
the only part of the Cairn on which it is permitted to trim with
“Short, balanced, well furnished
with hair but not feathery. Neither high nor low set, carried gaily
but not turned down towards back”
A continuation of the spine, low set
tail means incorrect angulation of pelvis
Length -
tip should not be higher than tip of ears, spoils general balance if
longer or too short.
Shape -
an inverted carrot from base to tip
Position -
five/ten past twelve or upright
Dislike banana Tails
No lumps or bumps on tail
(Good tails
have to be bred for and are highly prized, with position and length
being important. It is difficult to “breed out” a wrong
We say
“carried gaily”. We accept this yet criticise a ‘gay’
tail. Is this expression now out-dated?)
“Very free-flowing stride.
Forelegs reaching well forward. Hind legs giving strong propulsion.
Hocks neither too close nor too wide.”
Back movement
Correct movement is parallel, with a
little distance between the two legs
Strong propulsion is essential to give
the dog drive
This comes from the correct bend of
stifle, good muscle tone and the hocks being of correct length and
well let down
Should be able to see pads of rear
feet and front feet when moving away. This shows that he can flex his
hocks and has drive in the rear.
From the side
To get the free flowing stride the
quarters, both fore and hind, must be well constructed
There should be no bobbing up and
down, no disturbance of the topline
Should pass over the ground with all
parts of the anatomy in complete harmony
The feet should keep close to the
ground avoiding excessive bending of the joints
The forelegs should reach well
forward, but no goosestep, and the rear legs provide plenty of
Short steps front and rear are
inefficient and energy consuming
Any suggestion that the back feet
touch the front feet resulting in crabbing would be a serious fault.
As in rear quarters no sideways movement of the front quarters.
Front Movement
The forelegs should be straight with
no slackness at the elbow
The ankle joint should flex on the
No pinning, plating or paddling
(Dogs do not
move in straight lines and neither do legs. If dogs moved parallel,
they would rock all over the place. The whole ambition of movement
is to keep the head steady. If you watch a wild animal move, their
pads tend to the mid-line, and the faster they go the closer they
come to the mid-line. The leg doesn’t go backwards and
forwards, but swings slightly out and goes back in again. If you
think about the forelegs, this must happen because as the leg goes
forward the chest is narrowing and the muscle must pull the leg in so
when the dog is moving away from you, you don’t see the front
legs moving because the back legs are covering them.)
“Very important.
Weather-resistant. Must be double coated, with profuse, harsh, but
not coarse outer coat; undercoat short, soft and close. Open coats
objectionable. Slight wave permissible.”
Double coat
Harsh (not coarse or wiry) outer coat
to protect form brambles etc
Short soft undercoat for warmth
Finger and thumb - natural outline
Scissoring - penalised except on
Rugged but not ragged
(There was
some discussion about the difference, if any, between “harsh”
and “coarse”)
You very
seldom see a profuse coat nowadays. It was suggested that trimming
started when people began to go from here to the Continent to judge,
but it is also a sign of the times in that people have fewer dogs and
in order to be able to keep them in the ring, the coat has to be kept
“Cream, wheaten, red, grey or
nearly black. Brindling in all these colours acceptable. Not solid
black, or white, or black and tan. Dark points such as ears and
muzzle very typical.”
4 basic colours, brindling in all
They can change colour
Dark points - , should not penalise
when not present
“Approximately 28 – 31
cms (11-12 ins) at withers, but in proportion to weight –
ideally 6 – 7 kgs (14-16 lbs)”
Cairns now bigger
Latitude, bone and muscle reflect in
(Very few
dogs meet the Standard size nowadays. If they fit the Standard now
they look small in the ring.)
The idea behind holding today’s
event was to enable us to have some idea of what we want our point of
view to be at the World Seminar. Below is a summary of a few of the
points raised.
How does the British Cairn stack up
against those from other countries? Are we happy to see it go down
the road of the exaggerated rears, lotions and potions etc?
In some of the Scandinavian countries
they have altered the outline of the dog. Some of that is due to
presentation, but not all. They are very eye-catching, but are they
It is conformation we have to look at
- balance and size, and coats. So far as smart, not bad-looking
show dogs are concerned those on the continent are good. The worry is
that they may be getting too far away from the old type of Cairn -
and we have too.
What about presentation. Are we going
to do anything about the use of products - or in fact CAN we? We
can advocate that these things should not be used, but if the Kennel
Club are condoning it, what control do we have?
One thing we have found on the
continent is that they are doing excellent work on health
It was felt by those attending the
last World Symposium in Sweden that there was too much emphasis on
health. What other things would you like to see discussed apart from
The Standard
Some would like to see all countries
to adopt the breed standard of the country of origin.
All the countries in the FCI are
supposed to adopt the standard of the country of origin. That leaves
virtually the United States. It completely fell down in the USA
because the breed clubs own the standard not the American Kennel
Club. The AKC didn’t seem to be able to put any pressure on
The USA might be prepared to adopt the
standard if it was changed in some way.
Our Cairn hasn’t changed much
over the years. Some of those in the 1940s , say, would still do
well today if trimmed slightly differently.
The best thing would be to have a
basic standard, and an explanatory booklet. Could we commission
someone to draw a skeleton of a Cairn, clearly labelled with correct
There was agreement that the delegates
would like the standard to stay “basic”, enabling judges
to interpret it as they see it.
Education of those new
to the breed
New people say that they want to
learn, but this is only done gradually by showing and breeding for
many years.
There was some discussion on the use
of internet forums. It was felt that while they were very useful
sources of information in some respects, it was wise to be cautious
as some of the information given out was inaccurate.
The best start newcomers keen to learn
about the breed could have would be to join a breed club. If there
is sufficient demand, a breed club could try to arrange a learning
event, not necessarily geared towards those who wish to show.